Tasty meals don’t have to be difficult and time consuming to make. Check out this Thai red curry to see the type of meals that you can cook in under 30 minutes.
This dish has been optimized for 4 servings. Quantity and times may need to be varied. Here you can find more information about adjusted portion sizes:
Heat a non stick frying pan over medium high heat; add oil, curry paste and chicken; cook 4 minutes; add onion, zucchini and capsicum, cook a further 2 minutes.
Step 2
5 Min
Blend cornflour with 1 tablespoon of CARNATION Evaporated Milk in a small bowl; add to frying pan with remaining evaporated milk, fish sauce, water and kaffir lime leaves, stirring constantly.
Step 3
5 Min
Simmer. Serve with cooked rice. Top with extra chilli and coriander if desired.
Step 1
Heat a non stick frying pan over medium high heat; add oil, curry paste and chicken; cook 4 minutes; add onion, zucchini and capsicum, cook a further 2 minutes.
Step 2
Blend cornflour with 1 tablespoon of CARNATION Evaporated Milk in a small bowl; add to frying pan with remaining evaporated milk, fish sauce, water and kaffir lime leaves, stirring constantly.
Step 3
Simmer. Serve with cooked rice. Top with extra chilli and coriander if desired.
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